Cannabis Is Now Being Used To Treat Adult Acne And The Results Are Pretty Amazing

Raise your hand if you too missed the memo that cannabis is actually now best enjoyed as an unbelievably effective skincare ingredient.

Cannabis-derived skincare specifically makes use of hemp seed oil and CBD, which both have anti-inflammatory properties and have even been shown to stop acne in its tracks.

Hemp seed oil and CBD are also rich in omega-3s and omega-6s, boosting your skin's ability to produce collagen.

So if you're wondering where to start with this revelatory ingredient, look no further. Aussie homegrown brand Hey Bud Skincare have quickly amassed a cult following for their signature product, the Hemp Clay Mask.

And while masking is a great option that lets the hemp seed oil work its magic, it's not the only way you can experience the high of the radiant glow that only hemp seed oil and CBD can create.

Hey Bud Skincare also have a face oil that will have you absolutely beaming.

Plus, they've also a facial moisturiser that harnesses the power of botanics.

But seriously, if your inner sceptic is still unconvinced, we'll just leave these reviews here that speak for themselves...

You, high on the thrill of attaining glowing skin thanks to Hey Bud Skincare's expertly formulated concoctions:

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